BOOK REVIEW: Here’s a powerful allegory that could change your life!

You may have never read the book, but you’re probably familiar with the title of “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus.”

The content of that book wasn’t so great, so compelling that it caused the book to be catapulted to fame. The real success of that book was its title. The idea that “men are from Mars, women are from Venus” was a simple but innovative way to help many people understand a basic truth: men and women are significantly different. So much so, it’s as if they’re from different planets!

Well, now there is a new Christian self-help book with the catchy title of “A Dragon Slayer’s Life.” While the title is intriguing, it’s not a lightning bolt of insight. But the content of this book likely might feel like they are to the readers.

In “A Dragon Slayer’s Life,” author John Hendee borrows a captivating child’s story called “Princess Amanda and the Dragon” from a book titled “Tales of the Kingdom” (written by David and Karen Mains, used with permission by Hendee) and both creatively and insightfully extrapolates an allegory from the story that may be powerful enough to help you and others change your lives.

In fact, many have already changed their lives dramatically from the telling of this story.

What’s so powerful about this allegory?

It serves as a very simple but piercing tool to help a person gain an immediate understanding of what’s broken about themselves; the allegory provides a “handle” for getting a grip on what’s wrong with our lives. And because you really can’t change a broken life until you see what’s wrong with it, having such a handle to help get a grip on ourselves is a powerful tool to have.

What does the allegory teach us?

We all have “dragons.”

It would be easy to make a statement like that and try to be profound with just a single sentence. But Hendee starts by helping readers understand the concept of their “having dragons,” and then slowly but skillfully walks the readers into the depths of understanding that they’re really in a spiritual battle for their lives.

Either dragons must be slain, or you will be.

Hendee does an efficient job of providing his readers with a complete resource in this paperback. He develops the concept of “having dragons,” helps his readers understand what “dragons” are, provides ways to help his readers identify their own dragons, and then moves his readers through what to do about having dragons in their lives. I especially appreciated how Hendee used the allegory just long enough to develop a sturdy handle for his readers, then moved them to practical understanding and action, gradually weaving from story to the truth of God’s Word.

With the concept of “having dragons” and the imagery of being a “dragon slayer,” I initially was concerned that Hendee was about to walk us into several chapters of pop psychology. He didn’t. Instead, he’s given us the gift of a great tool for getting a grip on what’s wrong with our lives, along with a hefty dose of wisdom about how to slay our dragons and discover a peace that surpasses all understanding … in Christ.

I’m excited about the possibilities of this book. I appreciate the fact the author knows the information from this volume alone may not be everything a person needs to slay their dragons. Hendee acknowledges we’ll need help along the way to free ourselves of our dragons, and encourages his readers to get that help.

I’m enthusiastic about recommending this book to you. This is the kind of book that before you’re two-thirds of the way through it, you’ll be thinking of at least three or four people you know you want to share the book with, so you might as well pick up more than one copy. You can purchase the book from Amazon in hardcover, paperback, or for Kindle by clicking here.

So, go buy this book and start slaying dragons!
