Our spiritual leaders need our prayers and MORE …

In the work I do, I’m blessed with the opportunity to get to know a lot of church leaders, and as I’ve reflected on the lives of several of these men lately, I’ve been moved to spend even more time in prayer for them.

They need it.

In their positions leading their congregations or Christian ministries, they are prime (and primary) targets of spiritual forces who turn their attention to their destruction. If Satan and his minions can bring down a leader, he can often hurt many they lead or influence as well. So these men who give their lives in leading the cause for Christ are specific targets in a very real spiritual war.

Pastor Vicente Bejo wrote about this spiritual warfare in the following story …

    A few summers back I spent a day snorkeling in Honda Bay, Palawan, Philippines. The water was crystal clear and the white sand sparkled under the tropical sun. The sea was filled with thousands of multi-colored coral fish. Hundreds of fish came and swam around me as I fed them with bread scraps. It was amazing.

    Then without warning, I felt a quick bite on my arm. I dipped my face into the water to see what bit me, and there I saw my attacker. A ridiculously small, muddy blue-colored fish, perfectly poised to strike again. I was confused. Here I was bringing him food and he goes and bites me. I hurriedly got out of the water and told the tourist guide about it. She said it might be a territorial species who took my presence as a danger to itself.

    Fish don’t live on bread alone, I found out the hard way. They have enemies from whom they need protection. In fact, I think every animal on the planet has a defense mechanism against predators.

    Jesus quoting from the Old testament said, “Man does not live on bread alone, but by every word that comes from God” (Matthew 4:4). That feisty little fish brought to my mind a new dimension to Jesus’ statement. Christians don’t need physical nourishment only. We also need assurance, protection, security.

    We have an enemy whose sole purpose is to destroy us. That being so, we need God’s words to protect us from his lies and attack.

The enemy sees these devoted men of God leading the way into the enemy’s territory, so they target those who are willing to take the lead against them. That’s why these men need to be covered with our prayers, and to be supported in every practical way possible. I’ve personally witnessed how the spiritual attacks increase and sharpen when a Christian is willing to step out in a leadership role and lead the charge in a certain area. A Christian sitting quietly in the back row who never thinks of making a ripple in the world are no threat to satan, but those who step up to lead the advancement of the Gospel in a lost, dark world will be the focus of attention for spiritual forces in this world. Thus, these leaders need our prayers, protection, and practical support to help them be able to lead in the work God has given them.

Let me encourage you to not only pray for your church and ministry leaders, but support them in any practical way possible. If they have needs you can help meet, do so enthusiastically; shoring up the needs in their lives helps to protect any potential area of weakness the enemy can attack. By praying for and providing for your leaders, you’ll have brave men of God capable of leading you on the great adventure of faith God has in store for you.
