Just push …

There once was a man who wanted to do what God wanted him to do.

One day, God said to the man, “Push against this stone.”

Heeding the instruction from God, the man laid his shoulder into the stone. Well, not just any stone. It was actually a massive boulder several times the size of the man. Nonetheless, if God wanted the man to push against the stone, he would push with all his might!

The man pushed against the stone all day and never budged it! Each day, the man applied himself to the task of pushing against the stone, but never moved the boulder a single inch. Days passed into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years with the same result … the man pushed, and the stone never budged.

Finally, in complete and utter frustration the man cried out to God. “Lord, I have been pushing against the stone all these years and never once have I gotten this silly rock to move a single inch! I am so frustrated that I cannot continue. I quit!”

God responded to the man, “Why are you so frustrated, thinking you have accomplished nothing? All I told you to do was to push against the stone. I never asked you to move it.”

Sometimes we greatly complicate what God asks of us, and that brings real frustration to our lives. Often God asks of us just a simple faith with simple action. He’s not asking us to solve the problems of the world, He’ll take care of that. Sometimes, all He is saying is “Push.”

Not move.

Not relocate.

Not reshape.

Not re-create.

Just “push.”

He says other simple things like “trust Me,” “follow Me,” “obey Me,” and “love Me.” He keeps it simple because, really, we are kind of simple compared to Him!

So let’s not complicate what God has to say. Let’s just “push.”
