A better idea …

When I knew Dean Pense he was pastoring a church in Vacaville, California and was leader of the Northern California Evangelistic Association (NCEA). The NCEA did a great job of planting new churches throughout Northern California. In fact, the model worked so well that over the years the NCEA has undergone a metamorphosis and is now a national church planting organization known as Stadia.

One thing I remember well about Dean is that he had a saying which was at the heart of why the NCEA model worked so well. Dean would say, “Go with the go-ers.”

You see, lots of people like to talk about doing things, especially about doing things for God. But not a lot of people actually act. There’s a saying that 80 percent of the work in the church is done by 20 percent of the people … and I wouldn’t be surprised if that was true.

If you wait around for the talkers to act, you may be waiting a long time. In fact, you may never act, you might just keep talking.

To make a difference … for the cause of Christ, in a relationship, in business, in what’s going on in your life … you have to go with the go-ers. At some point and time, you have to get up and move with those who are ready and willing to make things happen. That might mean you’re leaving some people behind, or at least sitting where you left them. But if you let the talkers hold you back, you will accomplish just that: you will be held back.

Do you want to see your church make disciples? Maybe you need to get up and get together with those who are passionate about doing so. Start praying together. Start sharing the Gospel with people. Encourage one another. Strategize together. Pray some more. Work together. Pray some more. But go with the go-ers.

Want to move your business forward? Do the same … go with the go-ers.

Want to pursue some personal dreams? Go with the go-ers … hang around with those who will encourage and enable you.

Moving forward, maturing, growing, developing … making an impact … may mean you have to change both habits and relationships, but the alternative is to remain sitting on your hands just talking about doing something.

Here’s a better idea: Go with the go-ers!
