A three-legged stool …

Fitness is a three legged stool.

Have you ever sat on a three-legged stool where one leg was shorter than the other two? Drives you crazy! It’s imbalanced, unstable.

And take away a leg? Crash!

It’s the same with fitness. Fitness has three essential elements. Lessen one of the elements and you will be unstable in your fitness. Take one away, crash!

The three essential elements of fitness are cardiovascular endurance, muscular conditioning, and nutrition.

In the future, I will be writing about all of these elements to fitness, but today I want to recommend a book that can contribute significantly to the nutrition aspect of your personal fitness. “Body By God” was written by Dr. Ben Lerner and details an outstanding eating methodology I have long recommended to my Personal Training clients, all of whom achieved excellent results by including this eating methodology.

In addition to aspects of fitness, Dr. Lerner addresses other issues such as stress management and reduction, but what I find especially valuable in this book is the nutrition information.

Get it, read it, and adopt it to your personal fitness strategy. I think you’ll be yet another who achieves real benefits from the recommendations made by the author.
