Fitness reality check …

Let me preface this “fitness reality” moment by first stating I have worked with all sorts of people as a Certified Personal Trainer, especially people struggling with obesity and striving to change their fitness status.

But, let’s get real for a moment. Usually the reason for obesity is NOT genetics, and it’s NOT a thyroid condition, and it’s more often than NOT something that is out of a person’s control. The most common reason for obesity is eating too much and not exercising.


That’s the truth.

When you weigh 30, 50, 70, 100 pounds more than you should, and then you have “bad self-esteem” because of that fact, look in the mirror. There stands your problem! Your indulgence with food and your laziness in not wanting (or willing) to exercise has created this problem.

Now what are you going to do about it?

Weight loss is incredibly simple at its core: to lose weight, you must burn more calories than you take in. To do that in a healthy way, and maintain your weight once you’ve reached your goals, you will need a good combination of nutrition (not dieting), cardiovascular exercise and muscular conditioning. And let’s get this straight right now, going for a walk around the block after dinner does not constitute an adequate personal exercise program … not even close.

For those of you who persistently whine, “Well I don’t like to exercise …” or “I don’t like vegetables …” or “I’m a picky eater …” or “I don’t have the time or money to eat well …” or “I don’t have time to go to the gym,” please answer me this very simple question: If you consistently eat poorly and do not exercise on a regular basis, how do you think you will ever truly be fit OR be able to maintain an appropriate standard of health? You cannot do either. Your body will, at least eventually, become the outcome of what you put into it and do with it.

It amazes me how people who never exercise and eat any junk they can get their hands on seem to be surprised that they are fat, deconditioned, lack energy, and often do not feel well or even face issues with their health. They have become the consequences of their continued actions.

The answers to change that is easy; achieving it is challenging. The results of it are well worth the costs you will have to pay.

Let me give you one more thought. Your physical body is one of the single greatest gifts God has ever given you. It is a key tool with which you will experience the life. You have a stewardship responsibility to care for that awesome gift. I’m not saying you have to be an athlete. But I am saying that by not taking care of yourself, you will limit your capacity to fully enjoy and engage in life and you will likely shorten the life you can share with family, friends, and in service to God.

It’s time to get off the couch, get to the gym, and get some help. You will never regret it!
