Throw away the cookie-cutter …
When I had the need to get the car pictured above that I used to own, one of the reasons for selecting that specific car was that it’s wasn’t a “cookie-cutter” car.
So many of the cars today, regardless of make, look alike. They are factory produced with little differentiation. Just another car, maybe a different color.
For a few years this decade, Ford made a retro Thunderbird with a design throwback to the 50’s. Needless to say, it doesn’t look like most cars on the streets today. It’s unique. It has a character to it all it’s own.
It’s funny, I’ve had a couple people comment that it looks somewhat like a Mercedes. It doesn’t really look like a Mercedes, but those making the comment were trying to compare it to other cookie-cutter cars and place it in a common category for a point of reference.
Often in life, we wind up flowing with the crowd. There’s little differentiation between us and others. We dress alike, do the same things, because we want to be accepted. We want to be a part of the crowd … that looks alike.
God created us as social creatures, it’s a natural desire to want to connect with others. But God also made every single one of us unique. Psalm 119:13-14 says, “You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous — how well I know it.”
While extending yourself to others and creating relationships, don’t let fear keep you from being your unique self. God did not use a cookie-cutter in creating humanity!
If you happen to dress like everyone else because you like that, terrific. But don’t be afraid to add your own flair … or completely redesign the closet! Don’t be afraid to add a splash of color, or if vanilla is your preference run with that. Express yourself fully, within God’s standards, and you’ll find yourself discovering the individual God made you to be.
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