iPhones, Droids, and Christianity …

Ever since the iPhone hit the cell phone market like a tsunami, companies have been hustling to come up with their version of a cell phone that could be as good as the iPhone, or better.

The latest making a big splash is the Droid, made by Motorola and available on the Verizon network. It claims to be iPhone quality and even more. I haven’t personally checked out the phone since I’m happy with my iPhone, but it has received some decent reviews.

Perhaps the Droid is the first real cell phone that really can compete with the iPhone. Most of the others have simply been cheaper versions of phones that really can’t do all the iPhone can, or as well, and certainly lacking the many thousands of “apps” available to iPhone users.

Whether it’s cell phones or big screen TVs, cars or airline tickets, we seem to always be looking for the cheaper version that is “just as good as” the real thing. We want a whole lot, without paying the whole cost.

The same with our Christianity.

We really want to be saved from a really bad eternity, and hanging out with God might even be cool. All the perks of heaven sound awesome. But having to really pay the whole cost of a genuinely Christian life? Wow, kind of expensive!

But there are no Droids to the Christian walk. There’s only one version that works, and that’s real. Everything other than a genuinely personal relationship with Jesus Christ —on His terms — is an attempt at a cheap knock off. It won’t last, it won’t work … it will fail you.

Sometimes, to have the quality of the original, you simply must pay the cost for … the original!

To be saved and set free from sin will cost you nothing. That is offered completely free of charge. But belonging to Jesus Christ will cost you everything. Jesus put it this way, as recorded in Luke 9:23-24, “23 Then he said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow me. 24 If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it.”

There’s no cheap version of your daily cross. There’s no Droid to giving up your life for Christ. You either do, or you do not.

Which one is your commitment?
