3D Christianity …

In the near future you may find yourself sitting on your couch watching television while wearing the latest pair of reusable glasses for three-dimension broadcasts.

With movies like “Avatar,” “How To Train Your Dragon,” “Alice In Wonderland,” “Clash Of The Titans,” and others garnering great popularity with audiences, 3D has become the latest rage. So much so television has entered the fray with some TV manufacturers now cranking out 3D capable television sets. And recently, ESPN announced it is developing, and will soon launch, a channel with limited offerings in 3D. If you thought you got intense watching your favorite sports teams in the past, imagine what it will be like when it appears as if a 300-pound lineman is about to come right through your flat screen and tackle you!

The improved quality of 3D feeds viewers’ desire for a fuller experience, as if they were a part of the story they are watching. Going beyond entertainment, we often feel the same way about life. Deep down, we long for fullness of being in our lives. We want to feel and be a whole part of this human experience.

For the Christian, we gain that deeper spiritual dimension through relationship with the Holy Spirit. Better than a pair of funny glasses, the Holy Spirit adds fullness of dimension to our lives by guiding us into a deeper dimension of life — the spiritual life — and helping us understand truth as revealed in the Word of God. John 3:6 says, “Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life.”

If your life is feeling flat, spend time cultivating your relationship with the Holy Spirit. Allow the Holy Spirit to help you gain a whole new vision of life, truth, and purpose. No funny glasses required.
