Where are your feet?

My new Personal Training client complained about pain in his lower back. I immediately looked at his feet. It quickly became obvious one of the reasons for his pain was due to how he placed his feet.

Like many people, this fellow had grown up distorting his posture by turning his feet outward rather than resting or using his feet in a straight forward direction. This affected his “kinetic chain,” which simply means you really can’t use one joint without affecting another. When the feet are turned outward, it throws off the support of the ankles, which then affects the knees, and finally pushes strain into the lower back.

All because he turned his feet outward.

How you plant your feet matters. It affects your physical performance, and how other parts of the body support your capacity to stand or move.

And how you plant your “feet” spiritually also impacts your life.

Psalm 119:101 says, “I have refused to walk on any evil path, so that I may remain obedient to your word.”

Obedience to God doesn’t just happen. It depends on where we walk … or how we plant our feet. If we think we can travel the paths of “evil,” we won’t find any firm footing to stand on. We’ll fall.

How are you planting your feet spiritually?
