Can you cook, or do you burn water?
Could you cook a nice meal for someone? If so, what could you cook up? Do you have a signature dish?
I’m a survival cook. That means I’m not really a cook, but I can do enough in the kitchen in order to survive. However, I have done some decent grilling (thanks to male genes?).
But if I really had to make a nice meal for someone, I would have to turn to a good cookbook to give me some clear direction. I would be clueless about real cooking without a guide like that.
Here’s another question: can you cook up an excellent life on your own? When it comes to doing something like that, we all need some help!
We have it: the Bible.
Why the Bible isn’t widely thought of as a “spiritual cookbook” is a mystery to me. The Bible is loaded with life’s greatest recipes:
- Want a recipe for a loving, lasting, blessed marriage? The Bible has it.
- Want a recipe for being the best parent you possibly can be? The Bible has it.
- Want a recipe for being a great friend? The Bible has it.
- Want a recipe for love? The Bible has it.
- Want a recipe for wisdom? The Bible has it.
- Want a recipe for healthy living? The Bible has it.
- Want a recipe for happiness? The Bible has it.
- Want a recipe for joy? The Bible has it.
- Want a recipe for peace? The Bible has it.
- Want a recipe for living for ever? The Bible has it.
- Want a recipe for wise money management? The Bible has it.
- Want a recipe for being a good business person? The Bible has it.
- Want a recipe for being an effective leader? The Bible has it.
- Want a recipe for justice? The Bible has it.
- Want a recipe for hope?
Are you getting the picture?
God made us, then He loaded into the Bible all of His perfect recipes for a full, delicious life! Regardless of that incredible fact, many settle for being “survival cooks” instead of cracking open God’s book of recipes. Without doing so, there won’t be much surviving on what’s cooked up!
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