Like a bull in a china shop …

Like a bull in a china shop, the lady let loose a rant full of expletives describing just what she thought of the other person, and how she wanted to see the life of that other person turn out badly.

That from a “Christian” woman.

It’s not an unusual scene.

You have the pious-acting, Bible-verse-posting Christian who seems kind and serene … until someone does them wrong. Then they become that bull in a china shop, wreaking destruction with the unleashing of venomous words and justifying every one of them because of the actions or statements of the other person.

They completely miss the point: no sin committed by someone else is justification for us to commit sin in response.

And if you think those words of condemnation do not come with a heavy price for the justifier, think again. Here is what Jesus had to say about the danger of cursing others:

“You have heard that our ancestors were told, ‘You must not murder. If you commit murder, you are subject to judgment.’ But I say, if you are even angry with someone, you are subject to judgment! If you call someone an idiot, you are in danger of being brought before the court. And if you curse someone, you are in danger of the fires of hell,” Matthew 5:21-22.

James says this about anger, “Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires,” (James 1:20), especially when we think we can say and do anything because we have been offended or harmed.

This is when the excuses flow like a river. “But you don’t understand, the horrible things they said and did can’t be tolerated!”

God doesn’t ask us to be sitting ducks for the bad behavior of others. He does expect us to respond in a way that is Christlike. Just because we’ve been wronged is not a license to respond in an ungodly manner. To follow that reasoning, shouldn’t God have just destroyed humanity in response to sin we have committed against Him?

If God can contain His anger, we can also with the help of His Spirit who lives in us.

Sadly, it often doesn’t take much to let the bull loose in the china shop. Just let someone cut you off in traffic, and out come the pronouncements of how stupid that fool, that idiot, really is!

Do you take the words of Jesus Christ seriously? If so, some may need to re-examine their own, especially those that are directed toward others.
