Rude drivers with holy hearts?

On my way home today, at least three drivers tailgated me.

I’ve never been a slow driver, but I do drive the speed limit. That wasn’t good enough, or fast enough, for those three who drove closely behind me before finally discovering the additional lanes on both sides of us and veering off into one.

There were a lot of aggressive drivers on the roads today, driving with an attitude that seemed to say, “I want to get to where I want to go, and I want you out of my way.”

A lot of us live like we drive.

Many people tell us to live that way — to set your sights on a destination, then don’t let anything or anyone get in your way.

That stands in stark contradiction to the platitude many of those people pass around that says, “Life is not about the destination, but about the journey.”

It’s both.

Jesus Christ lived His life with a very clear mission in mind. Yet, as He lived out His purpose, He was constantly interrupted by people who caused intrusions to a smooth destination.

His response?

Scripture notes on many occasions that Jesus had compassion on these people and took time for them. To Jesus, people were not an interruption to His mission, but a vital part of it! People were not incidental to His purpose, but the reason for it.

Jesus always kept His eye on His destination, all the while showing us how to make a journey of it.

How about you: do you live like you drive? Or are the people along the journey all a part of getting to your final destination?
