What’s your perspective?

I am the living, breathing antithesis of a chef. I am a survival cook (one who attempts cooking in order to survive).

Why, then, do I find myself watching some of the Food Network reality shows? I think it’s because I’m fascinated with the level of culinary knowledge and impressive skill many of the chefs have. It’s amazing what they can do with food!

What is interesting, though, is to watch a panel of judges critique the meals. One judge may love the meal, another states it is well seasoned, and another judge finds multiple technical flaws and thinks the food lacks flavor.

All three persons ate the same food, yet have differing critiques.

What’s the difference?


We tend to think of perspective as a conclusion of the facts before us. But when you have the same facts but different opinions, perspective is more than just basic information. It may include your own opinions and preferences. Basically, perspective comes down to how you decide to assess facts, preferences, experiences, and other factors to create your own conclusion.

In that case, perspective depends on how you decide to skew your view of things. We can tweak information for about any outcome we want. And that is what makes human perspective so dangerous: perspective is often not the same as truth.

While it is quite possible different culinary judges can have different experiences with the same food, truth is not an individual creation. When we feast on the Word of God, it’s not our role to critique it for what tastes good to us, for our preferences, for our likes and our tastes. Truth isn’t something we are supposed to develop our own perspective on; instead, it is provided to us as our new perspective!

Jesus said this as He prayed, “Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth,” John 17:17.

How can we make sure our perspective of anything — ourselves, others, life, this world, even God Himself — is an accurate perspective? By allowing God to teach us His Word, which is truth. As God transforms us by His truth, we begin to think as He thinks, and see as He sees. We gain a hunger for holiness and a distaste for sin.

Are you still holding on to your own perspectives? Or are you allowing God to replace your flawed knowledge and understanding with His truth?
