If you really loved me …

“If you really loved me, then you would support me no matter what I do,” is a phrase I have heard many say to family members and friends when trying to defend the sin in their own lives.

What these people who make such proclamations fail to understand is this: unconditional love does not mean unconditional support.

The very God who loves every human being He has created is the same God who, some day, will judge humanity. God loves us all, but He does not support any attitude or action of a sinful nature. In fact, sometimes the most loving thing we can do is to not support the behavior of others that is contrary to the Word of God.

The line, “If you love me …” is often used to manipulate others to condone sin. But when Jesus coined that phrase, He meant something entirely different:

“If you love me, obey my commandments,” John 14:15.

That sentence from Jesus provides us with how we can have both His unconditional love, and His unconditional support!
