What you have to be asked for speaks volumes …

Have you ever offered an opinion, only to be rebuffed with the reply, “No one asked you!”?

Occasionally we may attempt something loving, something kind, something in the best interest of others that is rejected by those we offer it to.

But more often than not, in order to get something of such a significant nature out of us, we have to be asked.

Think about it: how many times do we offer unconditional love and truly sacrificial service to others without first having to be asked for it?

The preacher spends his ministry career pleading with the congregation to give, to serve, to do something. In most churches, about ten percent respond and the other 90 percent watch.

Jesus didn’t have to be asked.

He offered EVERYTHING of Himself for us. His whole purpose for walking this earth was to spend Himself on us!

That sounds nice. But it’s supposed to be more than a pleasant thought:

“You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had,” Philippians 2:5.

The attitude Jesus had was to make His entire life an offering for us. Now, scripture implores us to have the same attitude by making the entirety of our lives an offering for Him.

What we have to be asked for, and what we don’t have to be asked for, are twin reflections of where we really stand in Christ.

Is unrestrained love and service to others the attitude and actions you share with Christ? Or is your attitude one of wait to be asked, and then perhaps you’ll respond to some degree? How would your life change, and how would other lives be impacted, if you made this scriptural directive the new reality of your life?
