Do you know what to do when things go RIGHT?

How many sermons, books, blogs, articles, classes, seminars, and any other type of communication within the church features an overly common topic: When things go wrong …?

There seems to be an overt focus on teaching how to live and what to do when things go wrong. But for the average person, life isn’t going wrong every day. And when things do go wrong, if for nothing other than our natural fight-or-flight response kicking in, we tend to become more focused during times of difficulty than at other times.

What we too often fail to address is, When things go right …

Things go right for us a lot. Many of us, especially those of us in the Western world, experience more going right in a typical day than there is going wrong. We fail to teach about, or learn how, to live well when things go right. As a result, opportunities, relationships, and resources are squandered.

Then things start to go wrong.

How well do you live when things go right? Do you respond with great thanksgiving, praise and worship for God’s blessings in your life? Do you practice generosity and share the results of so much going right in your life? Or do you just consume the blessings and expect God to replenish them? When things go right, do you find yourself free, motivated and equipped to live in service to God and others, or are you too busy using the good times for yourself and your family?

When things go right, how well do you live?
