Standing on the premises …

There is a key reason people today continue to fall to sin that is rarely ever talked about in churches.

What is it?

We continue to allow Satan to establish the premise for our circumstances and the decisions to be made about them.

Let me explain it this way …

This past weekend, a Christian friend helped me resolve a data transfer issue. As he was working with my computer, we talked about an assortment of biblical issues. My friend stated it’s his observation that too many Christians are not equipped to properly respond to what Satan brings against them.

I responded the greater issue is that we continue to allow Satan to define what the premise is.

In the beginning, God established what the premise was for Adam and Eve. It was simple and clear. What disrupted and ruined that perfect plan was when this first couple allowed the enemy to redefine the premise already set forth by God, thus luring them into a different — and very wrong — response.

The same continues today. God has set forth the truth about life for each one of us. If we respond properly according to God’s premise, we will have the fullness of life God desires for us. But routinely, we allow the enemy to creep in and proffer a different premise, one skewed with a lie. Then we go running to God, wringing our hands with anxiety, pleading for God to deliver us from this new premise.

But His premise never changed; who we’re listening to, and allowing to define the premise, has.

That is the problem.

Pastors and counselors routinely counsel people whose lives are at a crossroads because they have entertained an entirely different premise offered by the enemy than what God has already established. The primary question for resolving their issues is who they decide they will allow to set the premises for them.

Whose premise for life are you listening you?
