Fire up the tractor …
After asking your parents for some spending money, did they ever answer you with, “You know, money doesn’t grow on trees!”
Imagine if money did.
If money grew on trees, there might be a spectacular revival of the depressed farming industry. But who would bring in the harvest? Farm labor isn’t something the average guy living in the suburbs (or the cities, for that matter) is usually willing to consider. But for the chance to harvest money from trees, perhaps a few city slickers would give a second thought to manual labor. Those who decided to stay in their comfortable homes would likely invest in corporate farms in an attempt to get a portion of the cash crop.
What if there was a harvest just waiting that is more valuable than money growing on trees … would that capture your attention?
Good! Because there is. Jesus told us about it …
“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields,'” Matthew 9:36-38.
There are vast fields of souls waiting to be harvested for the kingdom of God. The harvest is truly great, but the workers are few.
Jesus instructed us to pray, asking the Lord who is in charge of the harvest to send more workers into the field. Some of us are willing to pray. But who are the ones who will be the answer to the prayer and actually go into the fields?
It may not be the fields overseas, it might be the field of souls in your office building, or on your block. It might the field ready for harvest in your neighborhood or your town. Or it might be the fields ready for harvest in some remote parts of the world.
The point is, a great harvest waits. We need to pray for more workers. We need to send more workers. We need to be the workers locally. And some of us need to sell the house, pack our bags, and go to other fields.
Are you praying for workers? Have you ever made yourself available to the Lord of the harvest to be a worker in His fields? Or are you distracted with other things in spiritual suburbia?
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