Growing up to be a boy …

Young Joshua was an apprentice to the man God chose to lead His people out of slavery in Egypt …

Young Joseph was dreaming dreams others were jealous of …

Young Samuel heard the voice of God calling …

Young David was selecting a handful of stones and eying a giant of an opponent …

Young Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were being groomed for high office in the greatest empire on earth during their day …

Young Joseph was preparing to become the earthly stepfather to the Son of God …

Young men today spend much of their free time playing video games. In fact, the latest study shows the most avid gamers to be men in their 30’s (who started in their teens and never stopped). Perhaps that’s why the stage of adolescence was recently formally revised for males to extend to the age of 30.

So many boys in a man’s world!

The scene from biblical manhood to today’s version of being a man has flipped. In Bible times, males were marrying, starting families, and impacting the world around them as teenagers. Today, we expect little productivity from teens and not much more from young adults. We really don’t expect serious strides and potential for important leadership positions from men until they’re pushing 30 (at least).

In Bible times, you were pushing middle age by the time you hit 30! Today, you might still be living in your parent’s basement at that age.

Again, so many boys in a man’s world!

No wonder the church is hurting for men.

We demand every church have a youth program, but are such programs contributing to building Godly young men? We see men’s ministries rise and fall, rise and fall, and then rise and fall yet again, in spite of all the fun activities they focus on. You would think the paintball wars, baseball games, video game nights, and Super Bowl parties spent together would forge great men of God, right? Or are many of these things exacerbating the adolescence of those they recruit?

Where is today’s Paul discipling a new Timothy or a new Titus? Where is today’s Barnabas who takes today’s new Mark under his wing and helps him become an effective disciple?

When we leave the raising of boys primarily to mothers, schools, youth groups, and culture, you will get what you have. But you might get something different if godly dads stepped up and actually stepped into the lives of theirs sons with the intent of teaching them to become a man of God. Just imagine how effective that might be if other godly men were available as examples and influences to reinforce what godly dads taught and modeled!

That’s what it will take to make a change and create a culture of so many godly young men in a man’s world.
