The tale of two drawers …

I was so young I don’t really know who Lester was.

I don’t know whether he was just a neighbor or someone my parents knew. But one thing I always remembered about Lester was the full drawers in his garage.

When someone needed a certain size washer, or screw, or nail, or some part, they went to Lester and asked if he had it.

They went to Lester because they knew Lester kept all that kind of stuff in the drawers on his workbench in his garage.

Lester kept such stuff not because he needed it, but because when he came across it, he thought someone else might need it some time in the future. So he would pick it up or purchase it, then toss it in a drawer.

Because someone might need it some day.


We had just moved into a new (for us) house and, being the curious boy that I was, I was exploring. As I found myself in the kitchen, I began opening the drawers to see if there was anything inside.

Then I pulled on one drawer handle and nothing happened.

That’s because there was a handle, but no drawer!

Startled, I asked my mother why there was a handle, but no drawer.

“It’s just there for decoration,” she explained.


Some people are like Lester. They are always thinking about others, even the future needs of others, and keep themselves supplied to help meet those needs when they arise.

Others have faux drawers. Just a decorative handle, but nothing real to offer.

The Apostle Paul admonishes us, “Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had,” Philippians 2:4-5.

Not only should we consider the needs of others, but we are to do so with the same attitude that Jesus demonstrated — His life was spent in serving others.

How do you consider the needs of others? What drawer do you offer to those in need?
