Sweet berries for the soul …

If you haven’t planned your Thanksgiving dinner menu yet, you’re running behind!

With just a few days before the biggest feast your family will likely indulge in this year, most people have made their plans for the meal and are finishing their shopping for the groceries.

What’s on your menu?

Turkey? Stuffing? Homemade rolls? Pie?

Have you ever tried miracle fruit?

According to Dennis Himm, in West Africa there is a cranberry-like fruit called the Sweet Berry or Miracle Fruit. The meat of the fruit contains a molecule called miraculin that binds to the tongue’s taste buds, changing a person’s sense of taste so that everything eaten seems sweet, even sour foods.

An attitude of gratitude and praise has a similar effect as the Miracle Fruit. Thankfulness sweetens a person’s entire life, even in the midst of such sour servings as pain, loss, or sorrow. An attitude of gratitude in all things is sweet berries for the soul!

“Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!” Psalm 34:8.
