Change this, and you will change …

In the middle of a wedding ceremony, a jewelry store manager exchanged rings with his about-to-be spouse. As he slipped the ring onto his bride’s finger, he said, “With this ring … we guarantee a full refund if the customer is not completely satisfied.”


The man’s sales pitch was so deeply ingrained in his mind that, while handling a ring, the words just came out automatically.

Our thinking can often cause problems for us!

You cannot change without changing your thinking.

Change your thinking, and you will change!

That isn’t just sound psychology (which it is), it’s also biblical truth taught by the likes of the Apostle Paul …

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect,” Romans 12:2.

“Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes,” Ephesians 4:23.

When you consider the fact that our thoughts create our emotions, and our thoughts and emotions together create our behavior, you can see the necessity of changing the way you think in order to achieve real change.

We all need to change the way we think!

Every one of us need to be changed to think like Christ. Some of us need to change the way we think because our thinking has become hurtful to ourselves and others, causing problems, troubles, and failures in our relationships and other aspects of our lives. And some of us suffer from organic illness that impacts how we think and need help to correct the effects of such illness.

May is national Mental Health Awareness Month, so Scott Free Clinic will join in with those voices bringing a greater awareness this month of the need to care for our mental health just as we would our spiritual health or physical health. How we think — how we apply our minds, and how we’re able to apply our minds — determines how we will (and can!) live.

Scott Free Clinic is an invaluable resource to help people change their lives — especially by changing their thinking — and our commitment is to serve anyone and everyone without the barrier of cost. To be able to do that, we need your support. We encourage you to explore our website at to learn of the benefits of this ministry, and then prayerfully consider either making a donation to this ministry or becoming a regular Care Partner who financially supports this work.

We need YOUR help. Let’s change lives together!
