Time to break out the umbrellas …

We can go for several days without food, but we can’t last long without water.

Neither can the land. Without water, the earth quickly becomes parched and devoid of life.

Over the last few years, I’ve lived in two places experiencing drought — Texas and California. Texas is now overcoming its drought, but California is still suffering and parched in many places.

We need rain!

So does the soul of man, but not the watery kind of rain. We need our lives to be quenched thoroughly with the presence and reign of our Creator. King David expressed this deep essential in Psalm 143:6 …

“I lift my hands to you in prayer. I thirst for you as parched land thirsts for rain.”

Is that how you thirst for God?

Richard White told the story of a town being overcome by drought. The crops were dying, the livestock was thinning out, and fresh water supplies were severely diminished. The town decided to gather at the church house to pray for rain. That night, as the preacher entered the church building, he was pleased to see so many gathered for this event. But the preacher was overjoyed as he went to the front, for there in the front row was a little girl … who had brought her umbrella with her!

Without the presence, power, and Word of God in our lives, our souls become parched, as nothing can sustain life in us than Jesus Christ our Savior. He passionately desires to quench our thirst and water our souls, if only we call out to Him.

And if you do, you better have your umbrella handy, for God is faithful!

Is that how you trust God?
