When platitudes aren’t enough …

America is quickly becoming a place where lukewarm Christians will no longer be able to remain lukewarm or call themselves Christians without a cost to such a claim.

With today’s news of the Supreme Court’s decision regarding same-sex marriage, we move a step further to our secular culture — often overly embraced and imitated by the church — challenging our religious freedoms and furthering the spiritual downfall of our nation.

Today’s decision won’t affect just the churches and ministers who will be challenged to conduct same-sex weddings, but it has already spread to the Christian business owners and others who will be increasingly challenged to provide a service or act in some way that contributes to, or condones, what we know from scripture is sinful behavior.

This decision by the Supreme Court is a spiritual “Roe v. Wade,” and just as it is impossible for an authentic Christian to BIBLICALLY support abortion, it is impossible for a Christian to BIBLICALLY support same-sex marriage.

As America continues to take such steps into further spiritual and moral decay, Christians will be forced to either live their faith in spite of the consequences, or succumb to sin.

So many Christians have been lukewarm couch-sitters for so long that we now find ourselves in this situation of moral morass and spiritual failure. Instead of spending the last century making disciples by sharing the Gospel, living a life as obedient and faithful ambassadors for Christ, we’ve wallowed in comfort and wandered from the most basic commands of Christ. We’ve turned churches into social clubs, services into concerts, sermons into motivational speeches and self-help seminars, and the Bible into an unread and irrelevant ancient piece of literature. And the element missing most profoundly from the church has been the love of Christ.

We just haven’t cared!

We have not cared for decades about the lost, the truth, righteouness and holiness.

Now, we have reached that day when plastering Facebook with spiritual (and often biblically incorrect) platitudes is nothing more than a joke. To save this nation, Christians will now have to get off their couches and purposely, personally proclaim the Gospel to the lost for there to be any hope for the future of our nation.

In other words, we’ll actually have to be obedient to Christ to deny ourselves, daily take up our crosses, and literally follow Him (Luke 9:23). We will actually have to make ourselves available for God to make His appeal through us (2 Cor. 5:18-20). We will literally have to have the courage to act on our biblical convictions.

For our country to ever rise from the ash heap of our sin-saturated culture to again be a “Christian nation” will require wholesale repentance by Christians and churches for our own sins, and an absolute and radical commitment to live every day as obedient and faithful ambassadors for Christ who daily demonstrate and proclaim the Gospel and love of our Lord. In other words, we’ll really have to BE Christians instead of just professing that we are while not living such a profession.

ANYTHING less and our nation is lost.

What do you plan on doing? When was the last time you shared the Gospel with a non-Christian? When was the last time you personally led someone into a covenant relationship with Jesus Christ? You cannot depend on someone else to do it, or for Congress to legislate morality, or the Supreme Court to exercise justice or righteousness. Jesus commissioned YOU to go make disciples. THAT is how we can transform this nation, and there is no other way.

How will you directly contribute to the spiritual transformation of our country?
