Are you as stubborn as a horse with God?

Stormy was a beautiful, spotted Appaloosa stallion my dad owned for a while when I was a kid. He was everything you would think of about a stallion — proud, headstrong, and not very cooperative with anyone who attempted to lead him.

A few years later, after my dad had sold him to a friend, I finally got a chance to ride Stormy while out javalina hunting.

Stormy decided he wanted to assert self-control, so he suddenly bolted, breaking out into a full gallop. It took a great deal of effort pulling on the reins to get the horse to stop.

Occasionally Stormy would cooperate, but he usually wanted to make sure you knew he was in control.

I think of Stormy when I read this verse …

Do not be like a senseless horse or mule that needs a bit and bridle to keep it under control. – Psalm 32:9

In the previous verse, we have a loving statement that shows how God wants to lead and care for us …

The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” – Psalm 32:8

Instead of cooperating with God and easily yielding to His guidance, advice, and care, we’re often like that headstrong horse or stubborn mule who require God to put bit and bridle on us to control us.

Does God have to wrestle with you to lead you? Does He have to bridle you to advise you and offer His care for you? Are you wrestling with God for the lead in your life, or surrendering to His loving sovereignty?
