Fueled by prayer …

Prayer is one of the most essential elements to the ministry of the Scott Free Clinic. We are fueled by prayer!

This independent, international parachurch ministry was birthed from prayer, developed and designed from prayer, and everything we do is bathed in prayer. Before we plan and act, we pray. We want to start with God, gain our dreams, vision, mission, and direction from God, and then walk with God through all that we do, and with everyone we serve. That means we start with prayer, and remain in prayer.

Because we’re committed to prayer, and reliant on prayer, one the first things we did in the formation of this ministry was put together a team of Prayer Partners. Today, that team is made up of fantastic men and women of faith who diligently pray for this ministry every day. As we strive to move this ministry forward to a full launch of our services, the spiritual warfare has become strikingly more intense, and our reliance on prayer all the more important.

For that reason, we’re looking to re-enforce the great ministry of our current team of Prayer Partners by expanding that team with even more people praying. We would like to invite you to become a part of our Prayer Partners team. To learn more about becoming a Prayer Partner, click here for more information available on our website.

Whether you would be interested in personally being a Prayer Partner, or recruiting your church or a group from your church to join you as Scott Free Clinic Prayer Partners, we would welcome and be delighted to share in the fellowship of prayer with you.

If you have any other questions about being a Prayer Partner with the Scott Free Clinic, feel free to email me at dr.scott@ScottFreeClinic.org.

Thank you!

Dr. James Scott, Jr.
Founder & President,
Scott Free Clinic