More of your answers to our weekly survey questions …

Every week the Scott Free Clinic has posted on its website a new survey question, and then we invite our audience to participate by sharing their answers. The survey is very short, usually just a single sentence.

So, what are the responses to all those questions?

Let’s find out!

Before sharing the survey results, keep in mind a few things. First, our surveys aren’t — and don’t claim to be — scientifically conducted research. Also, it’s unlikely that the exact same people completed all of the surveys; in fact, since the number of people participating in each of the surveys varied, we can assume all of the survey participant groups were different one from another. These surveys help us gain insights about you, our friends and audience.

Now, let’s find out how you’ve responded to all those surveys!

What is your foremost form of family entertainment for your family?

  • Watching television
  • Going to the movies
  • Eating out
  • Attending musical events
  • Playing board games
  • Playing video games
  • Going to museums
  • Shopping
  • Outdoor activities
  • Attending sporting events
  • Other:
  • Results: Outdoor activities 40%, eating out 20%, watching television 20%, attending sporting events 20%.
    The majority of our respondents like to get out of the house while spending time with family, whether it’s outdoor activities, taking in a sporting event, or just going to dinner. Time together as a family, whether being active together, or just enjoying a television program together, is important!

    If God immediately enabled me to change one thing about myself, I would change:

  • My talents
  • My skills
  • My health
  • My mental state
  • My emotional state
  • My appearance
  • My marriage
  • My family
  • My friends
  • My financial resources
  • Other:
  • Results: My health 33%, my marriage 33%, my mental state 17%, my financial resources 17%.
    Personal areas — health and marriage — tied as the leading items respondents would make some kind of change to if they could do so immediately. It was interesting to note an additional 17% of respondents would change their mental health. It’s not a surprise that some respondents would say they would change their financial resources, but only 17% said they would do so, indicating a majority of participants are somewhat content with their current financial resources (or at least financial needs are not so pressing as to be their first area of needed, immediate change).

    When it comes to my job:

  • I go “above and beyond” and work for the glory of God
  • I go “above and beyond” to benefit myself as much as possible
  • I do what’s necessary to “climb the ladder” for a better position or more pay
  • I work hard and occasionally go “above and beyond” if my boss is nice and asks for a favor
  • I work hard but strictly within my job description and hours scheduled
  • I do what I have to do to keep my job
  • I dislike my job and do as little as possible
  • Other:
  • Results:
    71% – I go “above and beyond” and work for the glory of God.
    15% – I work hard and occasionally go “above and beyond” if my boss is nice and asks for a favor.
    14% – Other: Retired.
    The majority of respondents do more than what is asked of them at their place of employment, applying themselves in their jobs to bring glory to God in how they do their work. Others might do so depending on how they’re treated and if asked to do more.

    When it comes to how you are living your life right now:

  • I’ve achieved most or all of my dreams and am dreaming of new dreams to pursue
  • I’m pursuing my dreams and making progress
  • I’ve been pursuing my dreams but seem to be getting nowhere
  • I attempted to pursue my dreams and failed
  • I’m afraid to pursue my dreams
  • What’s a dream?
  • Other:
  • Results:
    83% – I’m pursuing my dreams and making progress.
    17% – I’ve been pursuing my dreams but seem to be getting nowhere.
    It’s great to have a dream to pursue and see yourself making progress toward accomplishing it, an experience a large majority of our respondents share. But some did respond that they’re frustrated by striving for achieving their dreams but aren’t yet seeing the success they desire.

    I would describe my marriage as:

  • A collaborative and satisfying partnership
  • Collaborative after conflict, could be more satisfying
  • One partner is a dominant influence and things usually go his/her way
  • One partner is controlling, lacking as a satisfying relationship
  • One partner is controlling to the point of domineering or abusiveness, change needs to happen immediately
  • Other:
  • Results:
    60% – A collaborative and satisfying partnership.
    20% – One partner is controlling, lacking as a satisfying relationship.
    20% – Collaborative after conflict, could be more satisfying.
    While a majority of respondents enjoy a satisfying, collaborative marriage, close to half of all survey participants experience more conflict and a lack of collaboration in their marriages. The Scott Free Clinic can help couples build a more satisfying, collaborative marriage through our offering of the Couple Communication training program. For more information about this training opportunity, click here.

    When it comes to supporting others in need:

  • I give regularly or tithe regularly to my local church and occasionally donate elsewhere
  • I only give regularly or tithe regularly to my local church
  • I often put something in the offering tray at my church, and that’s about it
  • I sometimes give to my church and sometimes give to other charities
  • I occasionally give something to either my church or a charity
  • I regularly donate to a reputable charity
  • I regularly donate to multiple reputable charities
  • I give directly to people in need
  • I don’t regularly or consistently give to either my church or a charity
  • Other:
  • Results:
    43% – I give regularly or tithe regularly to my local church and occasionally donate elsewhere.
    29% – I give directly to people in need.
    14% – I regularly donate to a reputable charity.
    14% – I don’t regularly or consistently give to either my church or a charity.
    How generous and caring are we, really? A sizable majority of survey participants say they support others by regularly giving, either through their local church or directly to people in need. Only a small percentage of respondents note they do not give to support others with any regularity.

    When it comes to being the primary pastor, spiritual teacher and spiritual influence in the lives of my own children, I:

  • Feel equipped to carry out those roles in the lives of my children with the help of the Holy Spirit.
  • Feel unequipped to carry out those roles in the lives of my children and would like to be equipped.
  • Think church leaders should primarily carry out these roles with parental support.
  • Feel intimidated at the very idea I’m supposed to carry out these roles in the lives of my children and don’t know what to do about it.
  • Not interested in taking on these roles in the lives of my children and will leave them to ministers and others to carry out.
  • Results:
    85% – Feel equipped to carry out those roles in the lives of my children with the help of the Holy Spirit.
    8% – Feel intimidated at the very idea I’m supposed to carry out these roles in the lives of my children and don’t know what to do about it.
    7% – Feel unequipped to carry out those roles in the lives of my children and would like to be equipped.
    Such a vital question! God blesses parents with children, but also bestows upon them the responsibility for leading them to a covenant relationship with Jesus Christ and their initial discipleship. What great news to see a burgeoning majority of parents feel equipped for the task, with the help of the Holy Spirit. A small number of respondents feel overwhelmed and unequipped for such a critical responsibility and would like to be equipped for such an important work.

    When it comes to my personal physical fitness:

  • I maintain a personal exercise program and nutritious diet
  • I stay active and maintain a nutritious diet
  • I’m haphazardly active and my diet includes some junk food
  • I’m a sedentary person who maintains a nutritious diet
  • I’m a sedentary person who does not practice eating nutritiously
  • Results:
    40% – I stay active and maintain a nutritious diet.
    40% – I maintain a personal exercise program and nutritious diet.
    20% – I’m haphazardly active and my diet includes some junk food.
    It’s YOUR body, what you doing to take care of it? A large majority of our respondents eat a nutritious diet and exercise their bodies either by staying active or maintaining a regular exercise program. Others are more haphazard about what they eat or getting any kind of exercise.

    When it comes to my identity in Christ as one of His disciples:

  • Part of my identity in Christ is being His personal ambassador to the lost
  • I don’t identify as being a personal ambassador to the lost
  • Results:
    84% – Part of my identity in Christ is being His personal ambassador to the lost.
    16% – I don’t identify as being a personal ambassador to the lost.
    The Bible is clear about our identity in Christ, but how do we see ourselves in Christ? Most of our respondents consider themselves to be ambassadors for Christ to the lost, while only a small minority don’t see themselves in that role as a disciple.

    When it comes to being a good steward of the financial blessings God has given me/us:

  • I/we manage our finances with the use of a budget
  • I/we attempt to manage my/our finances without a budget
  • Results:
    100 percent of our survey participants say they employ the use of a budget in their efforts to be good stewards of their financial blessings. That’s much greater than what is actually observed among households. But some people’s idea of a “budget” may be a more loosely defined set of financial guidelines than a rigorously outlined financial plan.

    We want to say THANK YOU to everyone who participated in these surveys. We also want to invite and encourage ALL OF YOU to make it a habit of stopping by the Scott Free Clinic website every week to participate in the weekly surveys.

    Dr. James Scott, Jr.
    Founder & President,
    Scott Free Clinic