What a golf ball and your problems have in common …

I was a curious kid.

I’m still curious!

My curiosity has led me to explore, to research, and to study.

When I was a kid, somehow a golf ball came into my possession … and I was curious! So I took my pocket knife and cut through the outer white crust to see what was inside.

I was surprised to see a wild maze of what appeared to be rubber bands wrapped around and around … but around what? I was curious!inside a golf ball So I patiently cut my way through the dense wrappings of rubber bands to discover a small ball that served as the core of that golf ball.

I was curious enough that I dissected a few golf balls to see if the inside construction was the same in each one.

As a therapist, I’ve learned that our lives have a lot in common with a golf ball. Our problems often are not the smudge on the outside of our lives; but rather, we’re complex beings with many things wrapped into who we are, but if we patiently cut our way through all that, there’s something specific at the core. To help people make lasting and real change in their lives, you must get past all the exterior things to what makes up the core of a problem.

As a minister, I’ve learned that more often than not, that core we discover at the center of our problems is usually sin of some sort. Not always, but very often.

To change your life, you must identify what the root or center of the problem is, then address that. If it is sin, we must confess it and repent of it for change to happen.

Many people waste a lot of time trying to treat only the symptoms of their problems. Sometimes it is important to get relief from symptoms, but symptoms will continue to persist until we fully address what causes them.

A competent, skilled therapist can help you peel past the layers of symptoms to identify what is causing the problems in your life, and then help you identify solutions so that you can be made whole. If sin is at the center of your troubles, Jesus Christ is ready to set you free from the sin that enslaves you.

Are you ready to peel past the symptoms in your life to identify and resolve the problems you struggle with?
