Leaders look for this constantly … does God?

If you have bitten from the apple of leadership addiction, as so many church leaders today have, then you know of the handful of key topics they’re always talking about, there’s one that quickly rises to the top.

That’s the issue of “passion.”

Sit with a modern church leader and you’ll shortly be asked, “What are you passionate about?”

To the thinking of many leaders, the idea of not being passionate about something would be like trying to live without breathing. Unthinkable! That’s what musician Kurt Cobain literally thought, according to one report …

    Kurt Donald Cobain, an American singer, songwriter, musician and artist founded the famous rock band “Nirvana” with Krist Novoselic in 1985. He took the band to heights that no one can imagine.

    “On 8 April, 1994, an electrician discovered Cobain’s body at his Lake Washington home. He was found with a shotgun pointing at his chin and his body had a very high concentration of heroin and traces of Valium. He died with the following words:

    “Thank you all from the pit of my burning, nauseous stomach for your letters and concern during the past years. I’m too much of an erratic, moody baby! I don’t have the passion anymore, and so remember, it’s better to burn out than to fade away.”

While the focus on passion among many leaders today is often without any biblical support but sourced more from the teachings of success gurus, there is something God is passionate about being a central aspect of our lives — and it’s not passion, it’s this:

“Do you think the Scriptures have no meaning? They say that God is passionate that the spirit he has placed within us should be faithful to him,” James 4:5.

If God is passionate about our being faithful to Him, shouldn’t we be as passionate about the very same thing?

So the next time a church leader asks you what you’re passionate about, what will you honestly be able to say?
