SURVEY RESULTS: Here’s how you answered our questions …

Every week the Scott Free Clinic has posted on its website a new survey question, and then we invite our audience to participate by sharing their answers. The survey is very short, usually just one question that takes only seconds to answer.

So, what are the responses to all those questions?

Let’s find out!

Before sharing the survey results, keep in mind a few things. First, our surveys aren’t — and don’t claim to be — scientifically conducted research. Also, it’s unlikely that the exact same people completed all of the surveys; in fact, since the number of people participating in each of the surveys varied, we can assume all of the survey participant groups were different one from another. These surveys help us gain insights about you, our friends and audience.

Now, let’s find out how you’ve responded to all those surveys!

When it comes to practicing personal holiness
• I have purged from my life all idols and Jesus Christ truly reigns above every person and thing in my life.
• I know there is an idol or idols in my life that I am not currently willing to surrender.
75% – I know there is an idol or idols in my life that I am not currently willing to surrender.
25% – I have purged from my life all idols and Jesus Christ truly reigns above every person and thing in my life.
These results were somewhat eye-opening, with three-quarters of participants saying they know they still have idols in their lives that they are not willing to surrender right now. These idols will remain stumbling stones to their walk with God until they purge them from their lives.

Regarding the Apostle Paul’s admonition to “speak the truth in love”:
• I am consistent with living this way.
• I good at speaking with love, but I’m sloppy about the truth.
• I always tell the truth without any concern as to how I deliver it.
• I just say what I think.
• I just say what I feel.
28.57% – I am consistent with living this way.
14.29% – I always tell the truth without any concern as to how I deliver it.
14.29% – Other: I do my best.
14.29% – Other: Working on delivery.
14.28% – I just say what I feel.
14.28% – I just say what I think.
A small majority of our participants are consistently doing well with “speaking the truth in love” while the rest wrestle with this admonition. About as many state they just say what they think or feel as those who are more disciplined about Paul’s exhortation. It seems most participants find it easier ti “speak the truth” than it is for them to do so “in love.”

Regarding theology and doctrine:
• I have a well-developed knowledge of the great doctrines of the Bible and a well-developed biblical theology.
• I am growing in knowledge of the great doctrines of the Bible and am developing a biblical theology.
• I think doctrine and theology are things for ministers and theologians.
76.92% – I am growing in knowledge of the great doctrines of the Bible and am developing a biblical theology.
23.08% – I have a well-developed knowledge of the great doctrines of the Bible and a well-developed biblical theology.
A minority of our survey participants stated they have a well-developed knowledge of the great doctrines of the Bible, along with a well-developed biblical theology, but some good news: a large majority state they are growing in these areas!

Regarding helping others:
• I would accurately be described as a “Good Samaritan.”
• I believe I am “my brother’s keeper.”
• I’ll offer to pray for someone and occasionally do more than that.
• I’ll offer to pray for someone but I usually don’t even do that after making the offer.
• I think people should pull themselves up by their own bootstraps and help themselves.
75% – I would accurately be described as a “Good Samaritan.”
25% -I believe I am “my brother’s keeper.”
All of our respondents identify themselves as someone who cares about others, and demonstrates that with action, either as a “Good Samaritan” or seeing themselves as their brother’s keeper.

Regarding have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ:
• I understand what the “New Covenant” is and what it means to have a “covenant relationship” with Jesus Christ.
• I don’t know or couldn’t explain what the “New Covenant” is or what it means to have a “covenant relationship” with Jesus Christ.
100% – I understand what the “New Covenant” is and what it means to have a “covenant relationship” with Jesus Christ.
This is a great response, but radically different from what we see among members of churches, most of whom have little or no real understanding about the New Covenant.

Which has priority in your life:
• Your personal opinion.
• What the Bible actually teaches.
Results: 80% – What the Bible actually teaches, 20% – Your personal opinion.
These results also differ from what is often observed among professing Christians today. We’re quick to say what the Bible teaches has priority in our lives, but our lives often contradict those words. A strong majority of our survey respondents say what the Bible actually teaches really does take priority in their lives.

Is a lifestyle of continual learning important AND practiced by you? * Yes * No
Results: 100% – Yes.
Every person responding to this survey question find being a life-long learner to be important to them, and not just in theory or intellectually only, but in practice as well.

When it comes to your financial resources, how do you view them:
• It all belongs to God and I’m a steward of what He has blessed me with.
• It’s mine, I earned it, and I’ll decide how best to spend it.
Results – 100% – It all belongs to God and I’m a steward of what He has blessed me with.
All of our survey participants see themselves as being stewards of all the blessings God bestows on us. Our prayer should be we not simply be stewards, but GOOD stewards!

When it comes to having a consistent, healthy pattern and experience of sleep:
• Each night I get the sleep I need for optimal mental and physical function.
• I’m inconsistent about getting the sleep I need for optimal mental and physical function.
• I consistently do not get the sleep I need for optimal mental and physical function.
55.56% – I’m inconsistent about getting the sleep I need for optimal mental and physical function.
44.44% – I consistently do not get the sleep I need for optimal mental and physical function.
All of our survey participants acknowledge that a good night’s sleep is not a consistent experience for them, with nearly half saying a good night’s rest is consistently NOT their experience. A lack of sleep — especially a consistent lack — can have profound effects in multiple aspects of our lives.

How does fear affect your life?
• Fear is the cause of my greatest regrets.
• Fear routinely keeps me from doing things I think I should do or want to do.
• I sometimes overcome fear to do what I should or want, and I sometimes change my mind because I’m afraid.
• I may experience fear but I consistently overcome it.
• Just call me Braveheart!
60% – I sometimes overcome fear to do what I should or want, and I sometimes change my mind because I’m afraid.
30% – I may experience fear but I consistently overcome it.
10% – Fear routinely keeps me from doing things I think I should do or want to do.
A full 70 percent of respondents wrestle with fear to some degree. None considered themselves to be Braveheart!

We want to say THANK YOU to everyone who participated in these surveys. We also want to invite and encourage ALL OF YOU to make it a habit of stopping by the Scott Free Clinic website every week to participate in the weekly surveys.

Dr. James Scott, Jr.
Founder & President,
Scott Free Clinic