CHURCH LEADERS: Don’t miss this unique opportunity!

Church leaders, what would you think if you could offer to the people of your congregation, and/or people in your community, the opportunity to attend the leading, most effective couple communication workshop available today … for FREE?

The Scott Free Clinic is now offering church leaders across the country a chance to assess this opportunity without any strings attached, or without any kind of commitments whatsoever. So let me take just a minute to tell you what the program is and the SPECIFIC opportunity we’re offering church leaders.

First, I have the privilege of being an instructor for the nationally-acclaimed, award-winning Couple Communication I training program, an eight-hour educational skill-building workshop that trains couples in highly effective communication skills to help them build a satisfying, collaborative marriage. You can learn more about the content of the workshop, and watch a preview video, on our website by clicking here. Since its beginning at the University of Minnesota Family Study Center, over 700,000 couples (yes, that’s 1.4 MILLION people!) around the world have participated in this theoretically grounded and well-researched program. This program is the most researched couple communication program in existence, with 70 formal university research studies all showing excellent results from the content of this training. Offering a workshop of this magnitude is radically different than inviting a local counselor to share some positive insights about communication among couples; this program directly trains couples in specific skills to bring about solid results in their marriage.

So, what is the specific opportunity for church leaders?

I’ve been a pastor for more than three decades; in that role, I wanted to know what I was exposing people to before bringing in any kind of teaching from an outside source. Chances are, you’re the same way, and that certainly makes sense! That’s why what we are specifically offering church leaders across the country now is the opportunity to connect with me about offering this workshop in YOUR AREA for CHURCH LEADERS. By attending the workshop with your spouses, you will experience the training first-hand and, thus, will be able to make a thorough assessment of the program. if you decide you would really like the people of your congregation and/or community to have access to this training, I will be happy to work with you to schedule training opportunities offered and hosted by your local church.

And YES, we offer all of this for FREE!

Most Couple Communication I instructors charge between $350-$450 per couple for this training. Our charge? ZERO!

We will share with everyone participating at any time in our offering of the workshop that the Scott Free Clinic is charged $42 for each Couple Packet, which is the packet of training materials we must supply to every couple. We tell participants that if they have the means to help us cover the cost of their own Couple Packet, and would like to do so, that we would encourage them to do that, but even if they can’t we’ll happily provide the packet to them.

Some ask “what’s in it for us.” We’re a parachurch ministry that is a free clinic, we have no profit motive whatsoever attached to helping people change their lives. By gaining partnerships with churches to offer this workshop, the only benefit to us is acting on our ministry vision and mission to provide the help people need to change their lives.

OKAY LEADERS, we’re not dragging our feet on this opportunity, so we encourage you not to do so, either! We’re “going with the go-ers” by filling bookings on a first-come, first-served basis. We understand you need a little time to pray and think about this, and to have internal conversations, we just encourage you to accomplish that in a timely manner while the opportunity is still available to you.

IMPORTANT: Even if you attended a workshop in the very near future, or offered your church as a host site for this offering to church leaders in your area, there is still NO OBLIGATION to do anything with your training or the workshop once you’ve taken the training with your spouse. If you go through a workshop and decide you aren’t interested in bringing this training to your church or community, that’s fine with us, you do with it as you wish.

One other IMPORTANT aspect of this training to point out, which some of you will appreciate. At no time is this workshop offered as a “large” or “major” event that drains you of time or resources. Because of the high level of coaching by the instructor due to the focus on skill-building, the size of the workshop is a minimum of 6 couples but a maximum of 12 couples. Don’t let that discourage you if you’re already thinking you would like to take lots of people through this training, there are ways we can work with you to train a lot of people.

So there you have it.

Opportunity is knocking!

We’re looking for church leaders who are interested in providing their church as a host site to invite other church leaders in the area to come participate in a Couple Communication training workshop at your location. You can help us introduce what can be a transformative opportunity for couples to your fellow church leaders.

So if you’re interested or have any questions, contact me right away at

Dr. James Scott, Jr.
Founder & President,
Scott Free Clinic