A summer reading challenge …

Just as a cold, rainy day pairs perfectly with a fireplace and a good book, summertime and an intriguing novel go together perfectly.

Each summer, I try to offer up some additional reading to go along with some of the lighter reading fare we tend to gravitate to when the weather turns warm. But this summer, I want to do something different.

I have a “heavy” reading challenge for you!

Actually, I’m encouraging you just to take up one book on just one subject as a reading challenge for this summer.

But it’s not light reading.

The challenge is to get your hands on the book, “What the Bible Says About Covenant,” by Mont W. Smith. Smith wrote the covenantbook in 1996 to be studied by Christian college students on one of the least understood, but highly significant topics to Christians: covenant.

Did you know that our relationship with God is a “covenant” relationship?

You may have heard something like that, but the average Christian has little to no understanding what it means to have a covenant relationship with God, or what the “New Covenant” (or the Old!) is.

Thus, this summer’s challenge.

“What the Bible Says About Covenant” is one of the best books I’ve read on the topic of covenant relationship with God. But again, take note the book is NOT “light reading.” However, it isn’t really difficult reading, either. It’s just intelligent reading. It’s not a book riddled with stories, but solid teaching for adults to understand how God relates to people through covenants, and what it really means for God to offer you a relationship based on His “New Covenant.”

Could anything be more important to understand?

Again, thus the challenge.

It could be a great blessing, and a real spiritual education, to spend the couple of months diving deep into a more serious book that could build an exciting knowledge in you about the fact that God is a covenant-making God — He always has been, and He still is!

To make it easy, you can click here to find the book on Amazon Smile. Go ahead and order it, then plunge into the pages for a summer of learning that can draw you closer to God!
