You would never mistake me as a handyman …

I’m not handy.

It’s not that I don’t want to be, I was never taught to be as a boy, or at least given opportunities to learn.

I did manage to make a respectable shadow box during a brief stint in a shop class, although other efforts such as attempting to mold things from clay suffered a lesser outcome.

Probably the most valued thing I’ve made with my hands was in fifth grade when we made necklaces for our moms as a gift for Mother’s Day. Now keep in mind, the materials made available to us was a little clay, some wrapping paper, and string. So the necklace was a series of dried clay balls interspersed with tightly rolled pieces of colorful wrapping paper.

My mother kept that necklace ’til the day she died.

My handiwork isn’t worth much.

God’s handiwork, however, is spectacular!

If you need to fix your take on life, or get a grip on your own self, it can be so helpful to remind ourselves we human beings are — quite literally — the handiwork of God.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” – Ephesians 2:10.

Just thinking about how we are the outcome of God doing some handiwork — molding, shaping, and sculpting us with perfect master craftsmanship, brings us our sense of worth and value. And as we see that God created us with great intention and purpose, we learn how we are designed to live with great intention and purpose — that of worshiping, glorifying, and enjoying our Maker.

“… Everything was created through him and for him,” Colossians 1:16b.

How does meditating on the fact that God made you impact your thinking? Your feelings? Your behavior?
