What does that Bible verse really say about being thankful?

Long ago, one of my jobs was being “desk editor” for a group of weekly newspapers. In addition to designing the page layouts of a few of the newspapers, I copy edited every word printed in them.

That’s not an easy task!

It’s too easy for an editor to read too fast, resulting in missing a word or phrase that was actually written by “saying” in our minds what we think was written.

We easily do that with the Bible as well.

For example, when it comes to 1 Thessalonians 5:18, that incredibly important verse about being thankful, we often read into it one word that isn’t there. We tend to read this …

“Be thankful FOR all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”

But that’s not what the verse says. Instead, the correct reading of that verse is this:

“Be thankful IN all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”

The difference between those two sentences is more than profound!

Let’s be honest, all of us have experienced circumstances for which we weren’t exactly “thankful.” For example, being told a loved one has a terminal illness isn’t a set of circumstances that naturally fosters a sense of gratitude! Even Jesus found Himself in circumstances He didn’t like, such as sweating blood in Gethsemane’s garden. He preferred His Father provide a different set of circumstances!

But the verse doesn’t say to be thankful FOR all circumstances, it says to be thankful IN them!

Now I can get that!

No matter what circumstances we face — no matter how hard or harsh, how horrifying or terrible, how painful or scary — we can walk into them thankful that the God of all creation is with us, and is working in us for the best outcome.

That our Redeemer lives, and He takes delight in the smallest detail of our lives, and will walk us through whatever we have to experience.

That nothing can separate us from the love of God, and there is no place we can go that He is not there; that He will never, ever forsake us.

Regardless of our circumstances, the children of God ALWAYS have multiple REAL reasons to be thankful!

Being able to be thankful IN all circumstances humbles us and keeps us ever aware of the love, mercy, and grace of God, on which our very existence depends.

The Apostle Paul tells us to be thankful IN all circumstances because doing so molds our lives, glorifies God, and positions us for His will to be done. To be unwilling to be thankful IN any circumstance reveals a bad attitude on our part, very similar to the “bad egg” an unidentified writer describes …

    Have you ever noticed how kids who don’t like to share or express gratitude are often called “spoiled.” What happens to an egg when it gets spoiled? It might look fine on the outside but let’s see what it’s like on the inside. We might all look the same on the outside, but when we are ungrateful and unwilling to give thanks to God or others, we become spoiled. Our hearts and attitudes can be just as stinky as this spoiled egg. God longs for all of us to give thanks. When we do, our hearts and minds will stay fresh.

The transforming work of God, the fruit of the Spirit, is revealed in our lives when we offer to God our thanksgiving in any and all circumstances.

An interesting point — the more we learn to give thanks to God IN all circumstances, the more we’re enabled to thank God for even some of those difficult circumstances for which gratitude isn’t natural. So, before beating yourself up for not naturally feeling grateful for some truly awful circumstances, remember we’re asked to be thankful IN them

Whatever your circumstances are, this Thanksgiving take time to give thanks to God IN your current circumstances; with a little introspection, you can find reasons to do so.

Happy Thanksgiving!
