Just in time …

Timing is everything.

Just ask a comedian.

Or a dancer.

Or anyone!

We all understand that too early or too late can mean missed opportunities or even disaster.

Timing was a crucial factor for one of the most important events to ever happen to this planet — the coming of Jesus Christ. Regarding the birth of the Messiah, one minister noted, “You’d think that God would be in a real hurry. But Jesus was a full-term baby. Conception, development, birth, growth …”

Scripture speaks of God’s timing in the giving of His Son as a gift to humanity:

“When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners.” – Romans 5:6

God’s timing for launching His mission of redemption and reconciliation was perfect. Not a minute early, not a minute late, but just the right time.

By the way, His timing hasn’t changed!

Unlike us, God is not impulsive. He acts in holiness from omniscience, yet we so foolishly, impatiently want God’s immediate response to our impulses. Thanks be to God that in His omniscience he knows best!

Christmas is a good reminder to not only trust God, but to be patient and trust His timing as well.
