Growth shows …

One thing about maturing as a disciple in Christ … growth shows.

But spiritual growth doesn’t happen by accident. Maturing in Christ is a partnership between the disciple of Jesus and the Holy Spirit; the Holy Spirit works to change us more and more into the likeness of Christ (2 Cor. 3:18), and we study (and then live out or apply our learning) to show ourselves approved unto God (2 Tim. 2:15).

Growth shows.

Just as when a new tree springs to life, each year there is observable growth. A great illustration of this is captured in thetree2 photos of the tree above and to the right. The photographs were taken by artist Giuseppe Penone, who removed the growth rings to reveal a much younger tree.

Growth shows.

And so does neglect.

Stephen Kingsley tells a story about how our failure to participate with the Holy Spirit in spiritual growth has negative results …

    As the pastor of two churches I’ve always wanted to have a garden, but somehow most springs I do not find the time to till the soil and get one planted, so out in back of the parsonage is a plot of ground of wonderfully fertile soil, which is growing nothing but a nice crop of weeds.

    I used this garden to teach my son an important lesson. The conversation went something like this:

    “Son, is my garden growing a crop?”

    “No Dad, nothing got planted in the garden again this year.”

    “You’re right, but look again. Is the garden growing anything?”

    “Well, yes,” came the reply, “it is growing weeds.”

    “Exactly!” I said, “and, if good things are not intentionally planted in your life, by nature, you too will only grow a nice crop of weeds.”

Something is growing in your life … the likeness of Christ, or a crop of weeds. Which have you nurtured this past year? What observable growth in your life is there from this year?
