Life on a need-to-know basis …

When I was growing up, I wanted to be a cop.

Then a detective.

Maybe an FBI agent.

Only in my teen years did I consider becoming a newspaper reporter (work I did for a while).

And finally, God tapped me on the shoulder and revealed to me His calling in my life to vocational ministry.

When I needed to know God’s “big picture” plan for my life, He let me know, but not before.

We tend to approach life thinking that early on we’re supposed identify what we want to “be” or decide on some kind of a career we’re interested in, thinking that will set the trajectory of our lives for a lifetime.

But God often interrupts that kind of thinking with His superior plans.

That’s certainly what happened at the first Christmas, when God sent an angel to separate visits with Mary and Joseph to inform them He was about to volunteer them for a special assignment: To be the earthly parents of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

That’s a role this young couple had never previously considered, but like the rest of us, they discovered that life with God is lived on a need-to-know basis.

God is still in charge, still working out His plans in the lives of every human being, and when we really need to know part of His plan specific to us, He lets us know then, but not before. God may tap you on the shoulder tomorrow with a new wrinkle for your life that will change how you live the rest of your life. Will you respond obediently and faithfully like Mary and Joseph did?
