COMMUNION MEDITATION: Jesus used His own body to save us …

I remember many years ago reading about a little four-year-old girl being the lone survivor of an airplane crash that took the lives of everyone else aboard. I had wondered at the time what the impact would be on that little girl, but didn’t read anything further about that story until today.

Pastor Mitchell Dillon tells about hearing the same story, and adds some additional details for us …

    Occasionally, a news item will really capture my attention. This happened on the evening of August 16th, 1987. I was watching the news when it was reported that a Northwest Airlines jet had crashed just after take off from the Detroit airport, killing 155 people. As horrific as the report was, it wasn’t the crash or the casualties that surprised me as much as what followed. The lone survivor of the crash was a four year old little girl. I remember wondering how a small, frail, four year old could survive when everyone else had died. Was she sitting in just the right seat? Was it her size that helped her avoid the fate of the other passengers?

    Seventeen years later I came across the answer to this mystery in an article that mentioned the Detroit crash. In it I learned that the little girl’s name was Cecelia and that the first responders to the accident were so surprised to find her alive that they concluded that she must have been a passenger in one of the vehicles on the highway where the plane had crashed. Though very young, Cecelia was old enough to tell the amazing story behind her miraculous survival.

    According to the little girl’s testimony, as the plane was falling from the sky, her mother unbuckled her own seat belt, knelt down in front of her, wrapped her arms and body around her, and refused to let go! Cecelia’s mother had used her own body to shield her from death!

Just like that loving mother, Jesus Christ used His own body to shield us from the eternal ravages of sin and death …

“But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed.” Isaiah 53:5.

As you partake of the wine and bread, remember that Jesus’ body was broken, and His blood shed, so that we might have life through Him.
