Tagged by Jesus …

If, as a child of God, you overcome all this world has to throw at you, then Jesus will have a unique reward for you!

Do you know what it is?

He’s going to write on you!

“All who are victorious will become pillars in the Temple of my God, and they will never have to leave it. And I will write on them the name of my God, and they will be citizens in the city of my God — the new Jerusalem that comes down from heaven from my God. And I will also write on them my new name,” Revelation 3:12.

Isn’t that fantastic?!

Well, without digging a littler deeper into what Jesus writing on us could possibly mean, on the surface of it, it doesn’t sound like the most exciting reward Jesus could come up with.

Because of that, let’s go a little deeper. Greg Asimakoupoulos uses a moment from an animated movie to help us gain a better understanding about the value of Jesus’ reward …

    In Disney’s animated movie, Toy Story, Woody (a toy cowboy) confronts Buzz Lightyear (a toy astronaut) with the fact that he is only an action figure and not really a space hero. Early in the movie Woody shouts, “You’re not a space ranger! You’re an action figure — a child’s plaything.”

    Only after failing to fly, Buzz realizes the truth of Woody’s statement. Grief-stricken and disillusioned, Buzz hangs his head in resignation, declaring, “I’m just a stupid, little, insignificant toy.”

    Woody later seeks to comfort his friend by underscoring the love of the boy who owns them both. “You must not be thinking clearly. Look, over in that house. There’s a kid who thinks you’re the greatest, and it’s not because you’re a space ranger; it’s because you’re his.”

    As Buzz lifts his foot, he sees a label affixed to the bottom of his little shoe. There in black permanent ink is the name of the little boy to whom he belongs. Seeing the name of his owner, Buzz breaks into a smile and takes on a new determination.

Now maybe being written on by Jesus is something worth looking forward to!
