The example of St. Patrick’s life …

It’s St. Patrick’s Day, are you wearing your orange?


Yes … and no, I’m not confused. If you’re “celebrating” or “observing” St. Patrick’s Day, at least with any authenticity about the actual man’s life, it would be more appropriate to wear orange than it would be to wear green. You can find out why from an insightful, concise survey of St. Patrick’s life provided by Ligonier Ministries here.

With a reference for the history of the life of Patrick supplied, I’ll use this space to remind us of the elements of his life that are a great example for the rest of us — his example of charity and sacrifice. So in honor of St. Patrick’s Day, I’ll share an old story with some Irish roots …

Father O’Malley, the parish priest, was giving a sermon about charity. He said, “In our world today, some people have so much while others have so little. We must give of ourselves and our worldly goods to help the less fortunate.”

He said to Tommy O’Toole, “If you had ten thousand pounds, wouldn’t you give half of it to the poor?”

Tommy said, “I would that, Father.”

The priest continued, “And Tommy, if you had a great wealth of jewelry, wouldn’t you sell it and give half to the poor?”

O’Toole replied, “Indeed I would, Father.”

The priest said, “And Tommy, if you had two pigs, wouldn’t you give one of them to your neighbor next door?”

Tommy said, “No.”

The priest said, “And why not, my son?”

To which O’Toole replied, “Now Father, you know I have two pigs.”

For many of us who profess to be Christian, our followership of Jesus is far more theoretical than literal. Like Tommy O’Toole, we can agree to doing great acts of charity and sacrifice when done only in theory. But when needs and our opportunities are real, we balk at best (honestly, we often choose to fail in those moments).

We’re blessed to have an example of a faithful life like Patrick’s, who felt a burden for the people who kidnapped him. His demonstration of charity and sacrifice can be an inspiration, encouragement — and challenge — for us all.

So how about you? Are you as generous as Patrick, or are you living more like Tommy O’Toole?
