This evil twin of fear robs us of confidence …

You don’t have to travel overseas to experience culture shock, just visiting different regions of the same country can achieve the same result.

Take, for example, moving from Tulsa, Oklahoma to a major urban center like Chicago, Illinois. That’s what former heavy-weight boxer James “Quick” Tillis did when, as a cowboy from Tulsa, he relocated to the “Windy City” for his professional boxing career. “Today in the Word” shares a snippet about the boxer’s arrival in Chicago …

“I got off the bus with two cardboard suitcases under by arms in downtown Chicago and stopped in front of the Sears Tower. I put my suitcases down, and I looked up at the Tower and I said to myself, ‘I’m going to conquer Chicago.’ When I looked down, the suitcases were gone.”

What a discouraging start to a new start!

Getting off to a new start with confidence is important, something God wanted to make sure Joshua experienced when he became Moses’ replacement as the leader of Israel …

“After the death of Moses the Lord’s servant, the Lord spoke to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ assistant. He said, ‘Moses my servant is dead. Therefore, the time has come for you to lead these people, the Israelites, across the Jordan River into the land I am giving them,'” Joshua 1:1-2.

God would encourage Joshua to be “strong and courageous” as Israel’s new leader. But beyond overcoming any fears about the job, it was important that Joshua not be discouraged. For 40 years, he had observed all the troubles Moses had to wrestle with in leading Israel, and just sizing up the challenge of the job could be quite discouraging. God steps in with these words for Joshua:

“This is my command — be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go,” Joshua 1:9.

We are often exhorted in scripture to not be afraid, but in this case, God also wanted to make sure Joshua wasn’t discouraged.

“Discouragement” is to experience a loss of confidence or enthusiasm, the result being robbing us of our courage to act. God’s remedy for any discouragement that might tempt Joshua was to remind him, “… For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

If you’re following the call and will of God on your life, and God is constantly with you, then why would you ever have reason to be discouraged? It wouldn’t matter what challenges, trials, or tribulations that could possibly come your way, God is with you! Joshua had witnessed God doing great and wondrous things for the people of Israel, and Joshua could be encouraged that God would continue to provide for and protect His people going forward, and that He would be with Joshua just as He was with Moses. Because of God’s presence and promise, Joshua could face his future confidently, rather than discouraged or afraid.

When we focus on what we’re afraid of, we become discouraged and find ourselves on the fast track to failure or sin. But when we remember that God is with us, and follow His leading and instruction, we can have great confidence that His will shall be done in and for our lives.

Are you discouraged? Examine where your focus is – on your fears, or on God?
