It’s so easy to forget …

An 80-year-old couple were having problems remembering things, so they decided to go to their doctor to make sure nothing was wrong with them. When they arrived at their physician’s office, they described to the doctor the problems they were having with their memory. After examining the couple, the doctor told them they were physically fine but suggested they start making notes to help them remember things. The couple thanked the doctor and left.

Later that night while watching TV, the old man got up from his chair and his wife asked, “Where are you going?”

He replied, “To the kitchen.”

She asked, “Will you get me a bowl of ice cream?”

He replied, “Sure.”

She then asked him, “Don’t you think you should write it down so you can remember it?”

He said, “No, I can remember that.”

She then said, “Well I also would like some strawberries on top. You had better write that down because I know you’ll forget that.”

He responded, “I can remember that, you want a bowl of ice cream with strawberries.”

She replied, “Well, I also would like whip cream on top. I know you will forget that so you better write it down.”

With irritation in his voice, he said, “I don’t need to write that down, I can remember that.” He went fuming into the kitchen. After about 20 minutes he returned and handed his wife a plate of bacon and eggs.

She stared at the plate for a moment and said, “I knew you were going to mess it up … you forgot my toast!”

It’s so easy for us to forget what we consider to be little details! But we also have a penchant for forgetting even the profound and vitally important. So much so, Jesus instituted what we call “Communion” to help us remember the sacrifice He made to save us (1 Cor. 11:23-30).

Yes, we’re capable of forgetting those who have died for us, and so we Americans observe Memorial Day. It’s single purpose is to remember those selfless and courageous men and women who, while serving in a branch of the United States military, gave their lives to protect our freedom.

If we can forget what we’ve gone to the kitchen for, we can forget before Monday ever arrives why we have an extra day off work.

Don’t let that happen!

Make time this weekend to remember our fallen heroes. They deserve to be honored, and we need always to remember.
