Some reading suggestions for a summer of growth for the Christian, church leader, and business person …

Each summer I usually publish just one list of summer reading recommendations for anyone.

Sometimes, the list is lighter fare, better suited for sleepy days at the beach or beside the pool. Others have packed a wallop on the learning end of content. This summer, I’d like to suggest some titles for growth, but instead of providing a single list of recommended books, I’m going to offer a list of titles for the average Christian, a different list of titles for church leaders, and some reading recommendations for business people.

Here we go!

The idea that you can’t enjoy your summer and grow as a person at the same time is a silly one. Here’s a chance to intersperse your summer fun with some reading that can feed your growth as a Christian. Check out these five books …

“Supernatural Power for Everyday People” by Jared Wilson (read my original review of the book by clicking here).

“Futureville” by Skye Jethani (read my original review of the book by clicking here).

“Jesus Called, He Wants His Church Back” by Ray Johnston (read my original review of the book by clicking here).

“Extraordinary Living” written by me! You can find a description of the book on my ministry website here).

“A Dragon Slayer’s Life” by John Hendee (read my original review of the book by clicking here).

Here’s a chance to intersperse your summer fun with some reading that can feed your growth as a church leader. Check out these five books …

“The Way of the Dragon or the Way of the Lamb” by Jamin Goggin and Kyle Strobel (read my original review of the book by clicking here).

“I Am a Follower” by Leonard Sweet (read my original review of the book by clicking here).

“Jesus Called, He Wants His Church Back” by Ray Johnston (read my original review of the book by clicking here).

“Leading in the Church” written by me! You can find a description of the book on my ministry website here.

“Beyond Opinion” by Ravi Zacharias (read my original review of the book by clicking here).

Here’s a chance to intersperse your summer fun with some reading that can feed your growth as a business person. Check out these books …

Any of the multiple books by Patrick Lencioni will be beneficial reading for the business person. His books are short and written in story fashion, but pack great insights for the professional. Some of the titles include “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team,” “Silos, Politics, and Turf Wars,” “Death by Meeting,” and “The Five Temptations of a CEO.” Click here to access Lencioni’s book page.

“Raving Fans! A Revoluntary Approach to Customer Service” by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles. You can find the book here.

“Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal With Change in Your Work and in Your Life” by Spencer Johnson, M.D. You can find the book here.

“Being a Person of Integrity” written by me! You can find a description of the book on my ministry website here.

“Becoming A Better You” written by me! You can find a description of the book on my ministry website here.

Okay, since you were willing to stick with some reading for growth during the summer, let me offer some titles for a little lighter reading. You can add any of these books to the delight of your summer …

“The QB: The Making of Modern Quarterbacks” by Bruce Feldman (read my original review of the book by clicking here).

“Spaceman” by Mike Massimino (read my original review of the book by clicking here).

“The Fourth Fisherman” by Joe Kissack (read my original review of the book by clicking here).

“Surprised by Oxford” by Carolyn Weber (read my original review of the book by clicking here).

“The Final Summit” by Andy Andrews (read my original review of the book by clicking here).

Alright, alright … since you’ve been so good about solid reading suggestions this summer, let me suggest three authors (non-Christian books) who are master story-tellers and write great novels. My favorite is David Baldacci, followed by John Grisham, and not to miss Michael Connelly. You’ll be captivated by any of their books, all of which would be great while sprawled on a towel at the beach.

Have a fun, growth-filled summer, and happy reading!
