For better fitness, consider trading those solo workouts for participating in group fitness classes …

For some people, there’s no better way to get or stay fit than putting on some headphones and playing their favorites tunes while making their way through a solo workout at their neighborhood gym.

But according to one recent study published in the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, those solo workouts aren’t as effective as participating in group fitness classes. Popsugar Fitness reports:

    To come to this conclusion, researchers surveyed 69 students at the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine over a 12-week period, organizing them into three groups: those participating in group fitness classes, those exercising alone or with up to two additional partners (like running or weightlifting), and those who didn’t regularly exercise. Every four weeks, the students completed surveys to assess their stress levels and physical, mental, and emotional quality of life (or QOL, for short). After analyzing the surveys, researchers found that participating in group fitness classes led to “a statistically significant decrease in perceived stress and an increase in physical, mental, and emotional QOL compared with exercising regularly on one’s own or not engaging in regular exercise.”

Such results do NOT mean that working out alone is bad for you, but it does suggest there might be a more effective way to get and stay fit — group fitness classes! Many gym members are unaware or under-informed that most gyms offer DOZENS of group fitness classes led by qualified personal trainers or group fitness instructors. These classes are usually a free part of a gym membership, although select classes may require an additional fee.

Well, if group fitness classes can be so effective for you, let’s take a look at 10 basic benefits from participating in group exercise …

1. Fun! You may love your own company, but for some it can be more fun to enjoy the camaraderie of others engaged in similar fitness pursuits. Being a part of fitness classes offers a chance to meet new people and make new friends.

2. Motivation. Some people are self-motivated, but many struggle with pushing themselves through a workout routine without cheating or cutting corners. A group experience adds a new source of motivation for persisting with your workouts … the right way!

3. Variety. Not only do most gyms have dozens of classes to choose from, the trainers or instructors leading the groups regularly change up what you’re doing to avoid training plateaus and boredom.

4. Expertise. The vast majority of gyms members don’t know how to exercise properly, and most don’t want to dish out the dollars for a personal trainer. Participating in a group fitness class exposes you to the direction of a fitness professional whose knowledge you’ll benefit from usually without spending an extra dollar.

5. Form. That professional leading the class keeps his or her eyes peeled on your form, making sure you’re exercising properly, which maximizes the results of your efforts.

6. Structure. Having a set time each week to show up for a workout already designed by a fitness professional brings a level of structure to your workouts you wouldn’t have going solo.

7. Accountability. Your instructor and new friends you make in a class are people who can help keep you accountable for showing up and staying committed to achieving your personal fitness goals.

8. Competition. Working out with others doesn’t automatically mean you’ll be competing with anyone, but participating in group fitness classes allows for the opportunity to tap into your competitive drive if you want.

9. Meet new people. Some people have no desire to mingle with strangers, but many people enjoy meeting new people but may not have many opportunities to do so. This is a key benefit for participating in group fitness classes (introverts, don’t fret, participating in a class doesn’t force you to interact with anyone beyond what you want to and are comfortable with).

10. Make the most of your gym membership. So many people who join a gym quit soon after because they become frustrated with their lack of knowledge about how to exercise effectively, and their limited motivation. Choosing to participate in various group fitness classes is a key way to get the most out of your gym membership, and from your workouts.

Signing up for a class isn’t a lifetime commitment. Try a class for a few workouts, or try different classes. If you decide you’d rather workout alone, you can always do that. If you discover you enjoy what classes have to offer, you can indulge yourself. Or you might want a mix of classes and solo workouts. The key is understanding the opportunities you have and taking advantage of them for your fitness sake.
