Three books that make good gifts for your pastor for Pastor Appreciation Month …

A godly pastor is a great gift from God to His church.

Paul Borthwick wrote in his book, “Leading the Way,” the following:

“Robert Murray McCheyne wrote to Dan Edwards after the latter’s ordination as a missionary, ‘In great measure, according to the purity and perfections of the instrument, will be the success. It is not great talents God blesses so much as great likeness to Jesus. A holy minister is an awful weapon in the hand of God,'”

It’s now October, which is the month designated on our calendars as Pastor Appreciation Month. You’ll likely note on social media several blog posts suggesting different ways you can show your appreciation to your pastor in the coming month for his impact on your life. I offer one idea here … a few books.

Pastors tend to like books, and they also need them, but many churches fail to provide any (or an adequate) book allowance for ministers to purchase the books they need. So they either dig into their personal pockets or go without. Gifting your pastor with a few good books would be just one thing you could do for him in October. Let me suggest three titles, two of which are my numbers 1 and 2 standing recommendations for church leaders, plus one more title …

“The Way of the Dragon or the Way of the Lamb” – Written by Jamin Goggin and Kyle Strobel, this book remains my top recommendation for church leaders (and a general recommendation for all Christians) for it’s insightful exploration into power and weakness in the lives of Christians in general, and in ministry in particular. You can find my original review of the book here here.

“I Am A Follower” – Written by Leonard Sweet, this was my top recommendation for church leaders until the previously mentioned book was published, but it still remains a top read for all Christians, but especially for those in vocational ministry. You can find my original review of the book here.

“Leading in the Church” – Allow me to include a book I wrote, not because it’s a leading title, but because it offers a much more eclectic look at what leading in the church should and could be. You can find more information about his book here.

Whether you gift your pastor with some books, or do something else, let me encourage you to do something in October to communicate to your pastor that you sincerely appreciate him. Your encouragement will be priceless to him!
