It’s our birthday! We’re celebrating saved and changed lives!

It’s our birthday, come celebrate with us!

Four years ago today, Scott Free Clinic was legally incorporated as a non-profit religious organization, and soon after would be recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity.

Even though October 15 marks our “legal” birthday, our first Board of Directors had already been meeting for a few months, and I had been working on this ministry for about a year. But officially we’re four years old, and we’re celebrating what God has done with and through this ministry.

Scott Free Clinic is an international Christian parachurch ministry which God has used to produce the fruit of saved and changed lives. In our four “official” years, working off the slimmest “shoestring” of resources, God has used this ministry to save and/or change nearly 1,000 lives! From people overcoming mental illness, people successfully battling through some life’s most difficult circumstances, suicidal people alive and thriving today, to reconciled marriages, clinical counseling with pastors through Pastor Care, teaching Couple Communication workshops in multiple states, and consulting with churches and ministries, a tremendous amount has been accomplished toward our mission of helping people become whole persons in Christ, and churches to become effective disciple-making churches.

You’re invited to join with us in celebrating the great things God has done through this ministry by offering up to Him thanks and praise for His love, grace, and kindness toward us; we are deeply grateful for the privilege of being able to serve God in the way He has called us, and how He uses us.

Looking forward, it is by faith that we trust God for the future. I say that because this very month Scott Free Clinic is facing its greatest trials to date, and without new support very quickly this month, these challenges are serious enough to knock out our operations. For specific information about what we’re facing, and what our needs are, click here.

As we take time today to, above all else, give thanks to God, we would also like to say thank you to:

  • All of the men and women who have served on our Board of Directors.
  • The wonderful men and women who make up our team of Prayer Partners, most of whom have been with us even before we were legally incorporated.
  • To everyone who have donated at some time to help support this ministry.
  • To everyone who has trusted us to serve them.
  • And to the many others who have encouraged us and regularly follow this ministry.
  • More than five years ago, God gave me the vision of a ministry that would exist to provide Christian clinical counseling, coaching, and consulting services to persons and churches internationally, without the barrier of cost, so that lives will be changed and churches improved through Christ, for the glory of God. Because we have been faithful to that vision, God has been faithful to produce the fruit of saved and changed lives! We’ll continue to pursue the vision and mission God has given us by His strength and wisdom.

    If you would like to partner with us as a Care Partner (click here for info about that) or as a Prayer Partner (click here for info about that), we would love to have you join us!

    In His Service,

    Dr. James Scott, Jr.
    Founder & President,
    Scott Free Clinic