When holiness entered the world …

A lot of people live fast and loose when it comes to their character. It’s just not something they think about much, but we all can understand the value of good character when we see it.

Like now …

Our nation is in mourning over the death of George Herbert Walker Bush, who served America in many ways, the most prominent being as its 41st President. Regardless of what you think about his politics, people from across the country and around the world are recalling many fond stories about Bush, the most common being about his high character, displayed both personally and professionally. It was Bush’s character that made such a profound impact on so many people.

We can all understand the value of character when we see it.

Like at the first Christmas …

Imagine having a character so great — holy! — that others celebrated you while you were still in the womb! That actually happened for a single person in history:

“A few days later Mary hurried to the hill country of Judea, to the town where Zechariah lived. She entered the house and greeted Elizabeth. At the sound of Mary’s greeting, Elizabeth’s child leaped within her, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit,” Luke 1:39-41.

Elizabeth’s baby, who would be the famed John the Baptist, recognized in the womb the holiness of Christ, who was in the womb.

Now that’s character!

A purely holy one, something the world had not seen. But little did anyone know, holiness had entered the world, and His birth would change the world forever.

Character can impact the world.

Does yours?

If you were an employer trying to hire an efficient, honest, and competent employee, would you hire yourself? At your salary? If you had to live with someone just like yourself for the rest of your life, would you look forward to it as a wonderful opportunity and privilege?
