Reading to unwrinkle your relationships …

What’s important to reasonable people are the relationships they have with others. Without consistent nurturing, our relationships will “wrinkle” and, if not ironed out, those wrinkles can eventually lead to ruin.

To help you unwrinkle your relationships, let me recommend a half dozen books that broach relationships from different angles on varying topics:

Doing Life Together. I start with one of my own books, not at all to spotlight my own writing, but because this book provides insights about relationships in different ways by offering a collection of writings on relationships (in general), friendship, marriage, and human behavior. You can learn more about this book, and find it, by clicking here

The Good News About Marriage. For a very long time, marriage and relationship “gurus,” media, and even ministers have perpetuated some bad news about marriage that actually isn’t true. The result has been to contribute to a negative mindset about marriage, and a fear of the God-created institution by many singles (and even married people). But what if the truth about marriage was there’s plenty of good news about it? There is! Christian and Harvard-trained researcher, Shaunti Feldhahn, reveals how some of the negative ideas about marriage are more myth than fact through solid research she’s conducted. Discover the details leading to some good news about marriage in my original review of this book by clicking here

The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages. More solid research by Christian researcher and author, Shaunti Feldhahn, reveals some of the data from three years of research with a mix of couples on the topic of how to have a happy marriage. The results revealed in this book might be personally beneficial for you! You can find my original review of the book here

Through the Eyes of a Man. You may have already heard that “men are visual,” but most women don’t have a clear understanding of what this really means. That’s why I think every woman should read this book, written by Shaunti Feldhahn, Christian researcher, and Craig Gross, pastor and founder of Men will also benefit from this book by becoming more aware of how their being “visual” impacts their lives. You can find my original review of this book here

Romantic Lovers: The Intimate Marriage. In the church, we teach little about intimacy in marriage. Fortunately, the Bible has plenty to say! David and Carole Hocking wrote this book several years ago, and it’s still valuable for exploring the topic. You can find the book on Amazon here

Love Busters: Protecting Your Marriage from Habits that Destroy Romantic Love. Willard F. Harley, Jr., wrote this book and does a good job of helping couples understand some of the (bad) habits we form can directly work at destroying romantic love. Worth making time to read. You can find the book, and more details about it, on Amazon here

Reading can be an effective way teach and motivate you on how to consistently nurture the different kinds of relationships in your life. You can learn a lot, and likely benefit personally, from checking out these books.
