20 ways to make exercise more fun …

Some people L-O-V-E going to the gym! They can’t wait until they can get there, and feel exhilarated when they leave.

That’s some people.

For many others, the idea of exercising at all is a major mental battle, one too often lost to the comforts of their couches. That’s because they have a stubborn belief that exercise isn’t fun.

It can be!

“Getting exercise” is much more than just pushing yourself through a boring workout at the gym, but whether you get you exercise inside or outside a fitness club, there are plenty of ways to get active, get moving, and exercise your body in ways you find to be fun. Here are just 20 ideas for you to consider as ways to make exercise more fun for you:

1. Workout with a friend. The conversation and camaraderie with a friend, along with their occasional challenges, can make time spent exercising more enjoyable.

2. Join a class or a few. Mix up your regular workouts by adding a social component of joining a class, or checking out a few classes you might want to explore. Some people prefer group workouts to hitting the gym solo.

3. Take a “real” stretch class. I note “real” as meaning a serious class that teaches you safe and effective stretch. You’ll enhance your flexibility and will find applying your training after workouts to be both helpful in your fitness development as well as a delight (you’ll feel great!).

4. Challenge yourself with functional exercise routines. Even if you have a membership to a gym fully equipped with every possible kind of exercise apparatus, take a break to learn how to effectively exercise without equipment by using your own body weight. You’ll probably be surprised at just how challenging — and beneficial! — functional exercises are.

5. Add some competition. Some fitness apps and websites have a variety of challenges you can participate in with others, or you can challenge a friend, workout partner, or other gym members to creative competitions to make your workouts more fun.

6. Dive into recreation. You don’t even have to go to a gym to make exercise fun! Taking up recreational activities you enjoy that get you active — from swimming, hiking, bike riding, and surfing to recreational team sports, sports leagues, gardening, skateboarding, skiing, or hunting and fishing — there are a plethora of recreational opportunities that will exercise your body while having fun.

7. Plan adventure days. Time is a treasure and we’re often so busy it can be hard enough to get a workout in at the gym. But throughout your year, try to block out on your calendar some “adventure days,” such as a day spent kayaking on a lake, or rock climbing, traversing a national forest, or exploring different bike trails.

8. Do things you enjoy that get you moving and active. Whether you’re into gardening, playing paintball, interested in learning archery, or have other interests or hobbies that get you moving, making time for activities that get you moving are a way of exercising that is fun for you.

9. Make your weekly date with your spouse something active. When date night rolls around, you don’t always have to go sit in a restaurant, or go sit in a theater, or go sit! Instead you can have great bonding time while being active, whether it’s going bowling, or skating, or dancing, or surfing, or throwing a frisbee in the park, there are all kinds of things couples can do together that draw you close together, are active, and are fun!

10. Be active as a family. Your kids will love you for this! Whether it’s putting up a volleyball or badminton net in the back yard, purchasing a trampoline, playing catch or throwing a frisbee at a park, taking a family bike ride, or a family night at a skating rink, there’s an endless number of activities you can do either at home as a family or that get you out of the house together to get some exercise and have fun.

11. Plan active vacations. Just “vegging” out while on vacation often doesn’t leave you feeling refreshed and renewed. Adding in activity with relaxation is a great way to tend to both body and mind. From exploring national parks, to adding in a few recreational activities at a resort like sailing, swimming, and a bike ride, or exploring museums and parks in your community, you’ll get more out of your vacation by incorporating fun activities that keep you moving.

12. Take advantage of the seasons. A great way to mix up your activities that exercise your bodies in a fun way is enjoying seasonal activities. Just a few examples are: snow skiing and bob-sledding in the winter; a softball game, hiking, or gardening in the spring; water skiing, swimming, surfing, or a beach volleyball game in the summer; basketball, bowling, handball, hiking, and long walks or jogs in the fall. Each season is just right for a plethora of its own activities.

13. Go “old school.” Do you remember skipping rope, swaying with hoola hoops, and playing hopscotch? Many of those “old school” activities can be fun to tap into for a change … and a physical challenge!

14. Go “new tech” by trying “exergaming.” HealthDay describes “exergaming” as “an emerging fitness trend where physical activity is combined with video games, creating an interactive experience that encourages fitness and the development of cognitive and motor skills.” The whole family can try this!

15. TV time mini workouts. It’s not uncommon for people to watch (at least) a couple hours of TV on any given night. That’s a lot of inaction! So try this: during the commercials, do a “mini” workout; during one commercial you can do sit-ups, the next commercial jumping jacks, the next commercial lunges, the next commercial plank, and so on. If you do that while watching a couple hours of TV, you’ll get in about 30 minutes of exercise!

16. Active acts of service. You can exercise your body while serving the needs of others in many ways: mowing someone’s lawn, doing yard work for an elderly neighbor, doing house repairs for someone who needs your help, working with Habitat for Humanity to build someone a home, painting a room or house for someone who needs it, etc. There are many ways you can serve others and stay active.

17. Run or walk for a cause. In just about every town and city you will find multiple 5ks and other “walks” or “runs” hosted by charities. This can be a fun way to support a cause while getting some exercise.

18. Do something totally different in the gym. Try swinging some kettle bells or using non-traditional implements such as workout ropes, tire flips, sledgehammer swings, and sled pushes (after learning how to properly use them). This can be a fun and challenging way of taking a break from your regular routine to challenge yourself and learn something new available to you.

19. Learn while you sweat. From TED Talks to thousands of podcasts, you can set a goal to learn something specific while working out.

20. Hire a fitness professional. The cost of an experienced, competent professional Personal Trainer is usually a worthwhile investment rather than just another expense. Not only do you get the benefit of their expertise regarding fitness and exercise, these fitness professionals are usually very good at inspiring, encouraging, and challenging you to new fitness heights, and can help you learn how to have fun while exercising.
